Why we need Art in our homes Here’s Why.

Estimated read time 4 min read

Why is Art influential in the home?

The answer to this question may be simple. The honest answer is more than adding color or decor to the living room.

Here are some reasons why you need to have original Art in your home:

The Art in a house makes it more human.

The Art is saying to slow down. Listen to the Art.” –Junot Diaz

It’s great to have something in your home that isn’t machine-made but can bring a little life into the room.

You can feel the effort and skill put into a piece of Art. You may have met the artist or heard the story behind their work. If you’ve never met the artist, the fingerprints, brushstrokes, or marks will serve as a reminder.

Art is a way to express yourself and promote dialogue.

John Demarco: “Art is the language that speaks what can’t be spoken.”

Art can express your personality to yourself and others without words.

Why? The Story of Art.

When you hang a work of Art on your wall because you love it, you tell a story about yourself.

Art can translate your personality and values. You can create deeper connections with the people who visit your home.

Art allows us to validate and recognize emotion.

Claude Monet: “Everyone talks about my Art, pretending to understand it. As if understanding were essential. But it’s just as important to love.”

Art can bring out powerful emotions, whether a memory or a feeling. Art can make us smile after a bad experience, remind us of the past, or motivate us to achieve more. It can comfort us that we’re not alone when we feel a certain way.

Art reflects to us our reactions, emotions, and thoughts. It lets us know we are not alone in our thoughts and feelings, whether positive or negative.

Art encourages growth and stretches our limits.

Paul Klee: “Art is like a vacation. It gives a person the chance to look at things in a different way and change their point of view.”

Art that is more than just decoration challenges your intellect, confronts any preexisting beliefs you may have, and can even make you uncomfortable.

Leaning into these feelings helps us to be more open, challenge ourselves, and see the world differently. A piece of Art that challenges our perceptions is a constant reminder to change our thinking and habits.

Art shows us what’s possible.

You can inspire others and awaken their hearts by doing what you enjoy. – Satsuki Shibayu

It’s inspiring to see other people doing what they love. We follow Instagram accounts for artists, athletes, and yogis. Their passion is contagious.

It’s easy to fall into a routine. We often hear ourselves or our friends say, “I’d paint more if only I had the time.” Or that we would pursue our passions after retirement.

It’s inspiring to see someone create and dedicate their time to the things that bring them joy. They inspire us by pursuing their passions and going against the grain.

Art inspires us to be courageous.

“I’ve always been terrified, but I’ve never let that stop me from pursuing my dreams.” – Georgia O’keefe.

It takes work to be an artist. It can take a lot of work to follow.

Art breathes life into a home.

“I prefer to say that art has given me life.”- Frank Stella: “I prefer to say that art has given me life.”

Decorating your home to suit you is essential. You should feel comfortable in your home! You will enjoy your space more if you surround yourself with the Art you love.

Art can also create a focal point in a room, making it appear more finished. It will also show off your ideals and interests when entertaining guests. You can bring life to your home by choosing to surround yourself with Art.

Art is needed in our homes.

How do you choose the right piece? Artwork Archive’s Discovery allows you to search through thousands of artists and find a piece that speaks directly to you. You can search by price, size, orientation, and keyword. You can also search for local artists to support the community.

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